GP Negligence Claims

General Practitione GP Negligence Claim and How to File a Claim

 “If you are a victim of Gp’s negligence, then our team will help you to get justice and compensation you deserve”. Contact us now!!..

Compensation – right of the victim

If a person suffered as a result of a violation of the obligation of supervision and gets injury or pain due to the negligence of the GP then he has right to  get justice and compensation by  filing a GP negligence claim. For this process, he should hire best solicitor to get just compensation.

Who are GPs?

Gp is General Practitioner who is qualified in general medical practice. They handle all common medical ailments as well as refer patients to healthcare centres and other medical facilities for urgent and particular care.

What Is Gp Negligence?

During getting treatment for any disease, if a Gp violates an obligation of supervision by which a patient gets an injury or pain s referred to as Gp Negligence. In fatal accident cases, a patient may be died due to Gp’s negligence.

Types Or Examples of Gp’s Negligence

We have handled different types of cases of clients There are a few examples by which we can say that the case is Gp’s negligence case.

  • Gp diagnosed the wrong disease for example if a patient has a normal headache but the doctor diagnose it brain tumor or any other brain disease.
  • Gp prescribed the wrong medicine
  • The referral of Gp was not right
  • Gp didn’t  refer to the right time

So, if you have suffered from such conditions then our experienced team will help you to bring out from this and come to normal life.

Filing Claim against Gp Negligence

If you are sufferer, and get injury or pain as a result of Gp’s Negligence. You have to prove it. than you can claim for compensation or justice. You have to prove following situation.

  • You were filing against which Gp that Gp was actually treating you
  • That Gp treated  you against the obligations of supervision of care
  • Due to that violation, you get injury or pain
  • You have get financial or physical loss as a result of Gp’s negligence

How to File a claim against Gp negligence

If you want to file a case against Gp, than we will help you throughout the process. We usually claim the case of client in following steps:

  1. Consult our solicitor

First of all you have to consult our best team of solicitors. They will communicate with you , hear your problem related to case and give you better opinion for better results. They will work with you throughout the process

  1. Take Opinions of a Medical Specialist

Second step is to take opinion of one or more medical specialist. Their opinion will help you to get better results. They investigate and tell you what was actually happen to you? The injury you get was actually due Gp negligence or not.

  1. Gather Evidences

In third step, solicitor will gather evidences such as medical records or test report. They also gather witnesses related to case.

  1. Letter of Claim

In fourth step, a letter of claim sent to Gp or hospital staff in which patient tells the Gp was negligent and patient get injury as a result of Gp negligence. This letter of claim includes patient basic information, medical records or test reports and statement of the sufferer.

  1. Negotiation

If Gp accepted his fault, then in fifth step our solicitors negotiate Gp on behalf of the client to settle down the case and to get just compensation. But if Gp didn’t accept his fault, then the case will go to court.

  1. Court Hearing

In court hearing, the judge listen to both side witnesses, see the evidence then announced the decision in favour of sufferer or Gp according to given evidences or witnesses.

  1. Compensation

The compensation depends upon   the severity of the case or decision announced by the judge in the court.

Time limit for filing a case

There is a time limit of filing a case.

  • A Normal person can file a case in three years of incident happen to him.
  • Child can file a case after three years of his 18thbirthday
  • A person with brain injury or any mental illness can file case at any time when he get recover from his injury or mental illness

Why Choose Us

Our experienced team will help you throughout the process, cooperate with you in every serious situation. We offer No Win No fee basis in which you don’t have to worry about financial problem. Because in such basis we will charge fee if you win the case otherwise it is totally free.


  • What is Gp Negligence?

When a Gp violates the  obligations of supervision of care which results in harm or injury to the patient, this is called Gp Negligence.

  • Can you sue Gp for negligence?

Yes, if a patient suffered as a result of Gp negligence, then he can sue Gp for negligence.

  • What is time limit of Gp Negligence?

Usually a person can sue a case within three years of incident happen to him. While a child can file a case after three years of his 18th birthday. A person with mental illness can file a case when he get recover of his mental illness.

  • What are obligations of a Gp?

The Gp handles common medical ailments and refer patient to healthcare centres and other medical facilities for particular care and treatment.

  • What are examples of Gp Negligence?

Examples of Gp negligence are:

  • Gp diagnosed wrong disease
  • Gp prescribed wrong medicine
  • The referral of Gp was not right
  • Gp  didn’t refer to the right time
  • How do you get a Gp to take you seriously?

Tips that your Gp can take you seriously

  • List your symptoms and worries in written form.
  • Request information.
  • Bring a companion to your appointment.
  • Don’t be embarrassed to say things again.
  • Think about getting a second opinion.
  • Do not forget that your ailments are actual.


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Choosing the best legal team was essential. They fought, held people responsible, and obtained appropriate compensation. Thank you for being very professional.
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Excellent legal team for my emergency room negligence lawsuit. They expertly negotiated difficulties. I appreciate their commitment
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I am grateful for the sympathetic legal assistance in my accidental fatalities claim. They fought for justice with dedication. Thank you for your support.
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Thank you for helping me with my legal representation for my plastic surgery negligence claim. They were active in the situation and battled for just a payout. Very highly recommended.
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Excellent legal team for my mental health negligence claim. They served for my rights and made people in authority answerable. I appreciate your efforts of maintaining the law.